We regularly offer week-long workshops and courses as holiday packages for people or groups interested in a joint learning and travel experience in Belize. Our workshops are generally offered semi-annually and range in subject matter from yoga retreats to photography courses to bird banding workshops to drumming classes to wilderness survival workshops. All of our pre-planned workshops are offered as 7-day all-inclusive learning holidays where you will stay a majority of the week in the picturesque rainforest of the Maya Mountains and the last two days at the beach on the beautiful turquoise waters of the Caribbean. High quality food and comfortable lodging is important to us, which is why we guarantee that you will be well-fed with three delicious meals a day of fresh, local, and organic ingredients wherever possible. You will sleep well in quiet and clean cabanas in comfortable beds where you will stay either double or triple occupancy depending on course enrollment.
If you are a tour leader planning a trip to Belize and are hoping to include an educational component to an existing tour, contact us with your ideas and we will facilitate using a combination of Ecorana educators and local Belizean educators.

Activities included in these all-inclusive courses are cultural presentations and musical performances by Kriol and Garifuna drumming groups, guided hiking to waterfalls and other spectacular natural features in the Maya Mountains, wildlife viewing in National Parks, swimming in jungle rivers, relaxing on the coconut lined sandy beaches in Hopkins, and snorkeling on the barrier reef. While the price of these all-inclusive holidays depends on the course being offered, we strive to create equal opportunities by keeping our rates affordable for everyone and you will find that most learning holidays run for under $1000 US/person for the all-inclusive week. Please check out our upcoming events page to see what is being offered next!

If you have a special skill that you would like to share with others, we can organize a workshop or course led by you. As part of our course registration fees we pay for all travel expenses incurred by the instructor as well as a basic stipend. Ecorana aims to be inclusive by keeping course registration fees low so our prices for these individually tailored workshops – contact us info@ecorana.ca